How to determine how fast a player is falling and apply to bodyVelocity?


Need there any more be said?

Thanks. This method works well. I could just set the mass back when i’m done. Also the Method @InfinityDesign stated works just as well. Thanks for the help

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Yeah we’re doing the same thing. The equation is force = mass * acceleration. This is rearranged in the engine because it already knows force, and it already knows mass, but it needs to know acceleration.

That formula the engine is using is acceleration = force / mass.

My approach of making the allowed force infinite allows the BodyVelocity to use exactly the perfect amount of force to move the assembly. His approach of making the assembly massless also balances the equation but thru the other term.

In real world physics; everything must have mass. If a particle is massless; it may only move faster than the speed of light, thus only photons (light its self) may be massless. Allowing the BodyVelocity to select the proper force it needs makes more sense logically than making the assembly massless, despite accomplishing exactly the same end result.

My only concern with using fully massless assemblies in a game is the divide by zero problem. If another script attempted to calculate that a = f/m formula on that assembly, they’d get an infinite acceleration, which isn’t possible.

Somebody told me about this topic because I’ve been experiencing the same problem, however I have no idea what to use and where to put it. For me I am trying to make it so when the player touches a certain part they slow down like that. If anybody happens to see this, please let me know how I might do this in my case. I often find solutions like these where it’s like a puzzle that I can’t figure out. Hopefully somebody sees this and if not I’ll probably make a topic and link this topic to it.