How to determine orientation of a point on the sphere?

Let’s keep this simple and clean, I have a part on a random point on a giant sphere. I shoot ray from the part to the sphere. As the ray hits the sphere, I need to somehow determine what’s the Vector3 orientation of that point. Thanks for any help!

Vectors dont have orienation, do you mean the angle based on where the raycast hit?

Yes, I mean just the angle where the raycast hit.

In that case you can just use the surface normal of where the raycast hit

How could I use it in a raycast?(Not asking for scripts)

This can help you out

I don’t really have any ideas about this. Maybe is there any other solution?

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Probably something like this would work:

CFrame.lookAt(sphere.Position, rasycastHit):ToEulerAngles()

This returns the (X, Y, X) euler orientation of the the point relative to the center of the sphere.

One thing to note with this problem, there technically isn’t a complete answer because the forward direction along the sphere’s surface isn’t defined. Maybe you want it defined as the forward direction of the part?

How could I implement it?(Not asking for entire script)