How to disable, change, and add player movement controls?

Yeah, I know the title may be confusing, but what I’m asking is if there is a way to change, disable, or add keys to move and rotate your character.

If you still don’t get what I’m saying here’s an example: I want to remove what WASD does to your character whenever you press those keys, remove the rotation to your camera whenever you press the left and right arrow keys, and replace it with your character just going left or right whenever you press those arrow keys. Plus, the full control will be on the arrow keys so: Up arrow key = your character goes forward, down arrow key = your character goes backwards, left = your character goes left, right = your character goes right.

Sorry if this was a mess and you don’t get a single thing I said. Feel free to ask me questions, though. I still don’t entirely know how to explain this.


If your looking to disable controls, you should refer to this.

Thanks! I won’t accept this just yet because I want to see if anyone else has any other ideas.

Heres another useful post, much easier then the one above. How to temporarily disable all character input?

If you want to make your own controls from scratch, you can create a LocalScript called “ControlScript” and place it inside StarterPlayerScripts. This will override the default control script. You can do the same with the default CameraScript.