How to disable jumping?

btw how do you not know basic lua server to client behavior

Iā€™m literally confused, and theres only us here discussing about something, also i understanded that it auto replicates to the server, and until now nobody got a solution so what?

Let me explain client and server for you
Server: the game running
Client: the players computer

when the player presses their spacebar on their keyboard the server isnt able to check that since it isnt the computer. The client which is the computer, is the one who detects the spacebar being pressed. The reason jumping auto replicates is because the server isnt able to tell when they press their spacebar at the same time, the server is able to edit the effects of the jumping. If the server wants it can change the power of the jump. High power = higher jump. Lower power = lower jump.
setting the jumppower to 0 or less will process the jump but the power dictates they dont move at all.

Bassically all of this means that both the client and the server have the same power over jumppower and adding a remote event would be useless

bro i already UNDERSTOOD this functionality of client and server things and stuff, and didnā€™t you atleast read my latest reply? WE ARE ALONE HERE DISCUSSING ABOUT SOMETHING THAT ENDED LOTS OF MINUTES AGO AND PROBABLY HOURS


Iā€™m not sure what kind of argument I stirred up in this post, but thank you all for suggesting solutions and going along with your day (unlike a certain someone). I was not able to respond yesterday but I got it to work with changing the HumanoidStateType.

Not only were you wrong but you also felt the need to yell at everyone for no reason. I get it might be common knowledge for some, but it wasnā€™t for me. Thatā€™s the whole point of this section of the DevForums, helping people who donā€™t know better. Thanks anyway

use JumpPower not humanoidstate. Iā€™m not wrong Iā€™m just giving you the standard way youā€™re supposed to stop the player from jumping. With JumpPower you arent limited to just disabling jumping but if you change the ā€œ0ā€ and actually increases/decreases the height they jump. The default JumpPower is 50 so making it less than 50 will make their jump less and higher will make their jumps higher.

also you canā€™t be saying Iā€™m wrong when you donā€™t know the basics of lua. Go watch some tutorials.

I said in the original post JumpPower wasnā€™t cutting it. Yes, jumping wonā€™t get the player anywhere, but they can still perform the action of jumping, which is what I wanted to disable.

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Donā€™t use Jumppower for that or the Client us Humanoid.Jump = False

I have improved from scripting lately, i know that

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Good! The more you know the better :smiley:

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Like a year late but it usually isnā€™t a good idea to talk to people like that. In this case itā€™s especially embarrassing because setting JumpPower to 0 still allows players to exit the Sitting state on PC, so the ā€œsimplerā€ solution you provided is simply incorrect.