How to disable unequipting a flashlight

I told you that that is fine. Just show what the character has.

this is the entire character while the games going on

The character inside the workspace. Not the player.


Oh, I really do not know what the problem is then. Check for errors in the output. Try to put prints to debug the script.

error = H>request<HSakDevRblxDoNotCopyMessage.TXT>CJA"ServerScriptService.THIS IS THE SCRIPT DEV FORUMS:8: attempt to index nil with ‘WaitForChild’ "

Okay then. Delete the script in ServerScriptService and make a localscript in StarterCharacterScripts.

local character = script.Parent
local flashlight = game.ReplicatedStorage.Flashlight:Clone()
flashlight.Parent = character

flashlight is now deep inside of me but theres no light be emited

edit: the issue is that the flashlights inside of me but its position doesnt stay inside of me when i move

Use a weld constraint. I think your problem is solved now, right?

weld constrant? whats that? do i just put a weld inside it and it welds to me automattically

You can also put a Motor6D if you want to animate the flashlight. You look in the properties of the Motor6D and select Part0 as Torso or something and Part1 as the flashlight.

i put a weld contstrant inside of flashlight and its position is updating with mine but its still not emitting light

Put a surface light inside of the flashlight.

i made a new part named Flashlight and put a point light inside of it but now its not updating the position anymore

i actually see the flashlight but its not inside of me its just sitting here on the ground


no the issues not solved @robloxguy9093ALT

local character = script.Parent
local flashlight = game.ReplicatedStorage.Flashlight:Clone()
flashlight.Parent = character
local surfacelight ="SurfaceLight")
surfacelight.Parent = flashlight
local weld ="Motor6D")
weld.Part0 = flashlight
weld.Part1 = character:WaitForChild("Torso")
weld.Parent = flashlight
surfacelight.Angle = 90
surfacelight.Brightness = 7.83
surfacelight.Range = 60
flashlight.CanCollide = false

ok so the point light follows me but im not seeing the flashlight model being in front of me

Just make an Idle Animation for the flashlight being in front of you.