How to do I make a part fit on a slanted roof?

Attempted it but all I get is this:

Just goes upwards on the slope

Try creating a new slope and see if you can drag a part on that one.

Figured out the problem. When I enabled the physical dragger, I didn’t change it to physical - if that makes sense. After it worked perfectly, thank you so much. I know the question seems stupid but I’m trying to improve on this.

Tbh it isn’t 100% perfect tho. @Crazedbrick1

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Rotation would have gotten you a cleaner cut. you have collision constraints on most likely which prevents this.


turning collisions and join surfaces, you can manually make an accurate, clean lineup.

You did not have to go through all those hoops.

Wait, do you mean having collisions on. I had collisions on but I didn’t have join surfaces on because I don’t know what it does.

Join surfaces makes welds between surfaces that touch. Sort of annoying of you ask me.