How to DO Set PrimaryPart Tween?

Yeah… I’m pretty sure you don’t need to weld it. PrimaryPart could bring a door together.

That would be incorrect actually, the PrimaryPart acts as a Reference to where the Model is Located in the World, tweening only the PrimaryPart will Tween only the PrimaryPart, and will just tell the model that its position in the world is located somewhere else and not move the other children, which is why you add Welds to Models when Tweening, or you could try the second method, which is to Interpolate their Positions, and Manually move the Whole Model with it:

I really don’t want to add weld but fine.

If you want to move each part individually and need to weld it you could create multiple models of the left door and right door, weld them, and then move each one.


Goal will only accept Properties, not just the Target or the value, so you need to specify what Property to change

Goal = {CFrame = PrimaryPart.CFrame * offsetCframe}

as for the Instance, you need to specifiy what Object to check foir this Property, and to Change it, which in this case, the PrimaryPart, rather than the Model itself.

Oh, thank you so much. Thanks for helping.

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