How to dress custom NPCs?

So I’ve made a custom NPC system to have hundreds of NPCs, but now I looked at them and realized: They are all gray and I didn’t think a second at how I would be going to cloth them.

Since I don’t use Humanoids, I have no idea on how to dress them. I saw a bigger developer make a custom NPC system aswell and he clothed them, but as already mentioned, I have no idea how he managed to do that.

My thought would be having decals for each cloth, but that would be so annoying to make and I doubt that this is a good idea. Does anyone have an idea?

This is how they look like (Clientsided, R15 Rig):

This is how the server seems them (Just the rootpart of the character, nothing else):



Could you post a picture of your custom npcs?

It just helps to have a visual understanding of what rig you’re utilizing.


Just edited the main post with pictures

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@Good_Scripter you can use this plugin to insert the items that you want:

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I don’t use Humanoids, so I can’t utilize that plugin

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OP doesn’t use humanoids, so this method wouldn’t work since it uses the default clothing instances.

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you can try change the npcs colors and insert pictures as textures for shirts and pants if you no have humanoid

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You would have to use decals or textures if you aren’t using Humanoids because you can’t use clothes without humanoids.


The best way I can think of clothing a non-humanoid npc is to UV map the rig’s meshparts, and then setting its textureId to the id of the shirt clothing.

If I remember correctly, the default R15 doesn’t actually map correctly when using textureIds, so I’ll see if anybody has fabricated such a rig.


Sounds like that is going to be really annoying to add, but this seems like the only viable option, thanks!

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