I am currently preparing for a halloween update for my game that is soon re-releasing and I’ve been working on 3 different pumpkin variations for the map and also for the players to use as decorations for their workplace. How do you rearrange the pivot and make it straight for unions, I’ve tried to edit it and tried using the reset tool also but it just doesn’t work for this one. is there something to straighten unions ?
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Can you try making the primary part a part that is aligned to the floor?
If that doesn’t work, try redoing the order you union the model
@Unarthadoxx thank you for describing my solution more in depth!
You can: Set the primary part to an invisible upright part in a model.
Or, you can: De-union the union, and then first click on the orange part instead of the rotated negative parts to make the eye holes.
How unions work is that the first clicked part is the primary part automatically, when you click the rotated negative part, the rotation from that transfers over to the union, but if you click on the actual part first or one of the mouth parts, then it will keep its regular rotation.