How to execute scripts with a plugin without using loadstring()

yeah for my plugin, when you’re executing while running the game, it will not use loadstrings and manually create a script with the desired source. Unfortunatley, I do not know how to do that with a plugin while in the editor, because the editor doesn’t run scripts while added, it just creates them to run when the game starts. How would I do this though. Because obviously the plugin script runs, is it possible, in theory, to create that same effect in studio using a plugin?

(I’ve never made a plugin so I have no clue if this will work or not, please bare with me xd)

Within the plugin, you could create and modify a script source to execute the code.

local executor ="Script")
executor.Name = "RunUserCode"
executor.Enabled = false
executor.Parent = --[[some parent where the script will run]]

executor.Source = "print(\"script source here\")"
executor.Enabled = true

I don’t know if scripts will run differently when related to a plugin, but it’s just an idea.

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yeaa that is exactly what i did. It doesn’t work. Im guessing plugin scripts only run with existing scripts. If another plugin done this it has to be possible tho. Maybe a version of vLua without the getFenv() functions

Just make an empty script and add it to your plugin, then when you want to run code modify its source code and enable it. Basically don’t use

you see, when you add a script while in the editor, not while running the game, but in the editor, the script is just added. it doesn’t run. unless that has a special rule for plugins, I tried that before and it didn’t work. please elaborate on that.

You can’t anymore. Anything that executes scripts will automatically be banned, including methods that don’t involve loadstring. The only way is to upload it, wait for it to be deleted, appeal it and say something like “this asset does not run anything malicious and uses roblox features as intended” then wait and hope for the best. Note that you will have to go through this appeal thing every time you update the plugin.

is that what InCommand has done? seems like they’re using a weird version of vLua without the getFenv() because it isn’t 100% accurate while in the editor. if i’m 100% sure there isn’t any type of way because vLua could have been actually useful if it hadn’t used getFenv(), then I will mark this as the solution. I could just prompt players to execute editor scripts in the command bar, but this places behind InCommand, making people spend a whopping 30 dollars for an upgraded command bar.

I’m not quite sure what InCommand is but they might have appealed, uploaded before the rule was enforced or vLua without getfenv.
It might get past moderation if you use a vLua without getfenv but even then you could report the asset and probably get it banned. Additionally vLua isn’t LuaU, so LuaU only features won’t work such as

  • Continue
  • x += y
  • Type annotation local x : number = 1
    and some more things

I think I found a very sneaky way to do it. Basically within your plugin, you need a folder that has a large amount of disabled empty scripts, in numerical order. For example 1000 empty scripts(so its hard for anyone to actually reach the limit). Then you can use the following code to achieve code execution as many times you want:

local current = 1

local function injectCode(code: string): () 
	current += 1
	local s = script.Parent.Scripts[tostring(current)]
	s.Source = code
	s.Enabled = true 

--For some reason you can't add task.wait in between

Each inactive script is named 1, 2, 3, etc up to the desired limit. Each script can only execute code once.

To create the scripts(this isn’t plugin code, its code you run once in command line to avoid doing it manually):

local scripts ="Folder", workspace)
scripts.Name = "Scripts"
local limit = 1000
for i = 1, limit do
	local s ="Script")
	s.Name = tostring(i)
	s.Enabled = false
	s.Parent = scripts

Then just move the folder from workspace to your plugin

InCommand uses a module script that gets edited, it works in both edit and runtime perfectly, so I don’t see any problem doing the same.

please tell me how to do that :pray:

unless that’s as simple as it sounds

format script source and pcall the function module returns. Make sure you clone the script.

return function()

From what i know plugins doesn’t require loadstring enabled

Plugins aren’t allowed to use loadstrings.

I just came up with something
You can just create a ModuleScript with source and require it through the plugin script resulting in exectuion

local Script = script.Script

local NewScript ="ModuleScript")
NewScript.Source = Script.Source .. "\nreturn"
NewScript.Parent = script.Parent

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there is an alternative, add popup that tells you have to enable loadstring if it’s not enabled

have you tested it??? or not? because this might be patched as well

i just did and it seems to work just fine

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that’s the thing. loadstrings aren’t allowed in plugins

Also, maybe offtopic, but how do you managed to add textbox lines to editor? You use text scaled or smth?