How to find gender?

Yes of course it is. To find someone from a pool of random people, knowing their gender will decrease it in half making it easier to find someone.

Late response but you can calculate from their Avatar. However this may not work for all as everyone has different avatars, at least its something.

local humanoidDescription = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"):GetAppliedDescription()
local torso = humanoidDescription.Torso

if torso == "rbxassetid://whatever_the_id_is" then
    return "Female"
elseif torso == "rbxassetid://whatever_the_id_is" then
    return "Male"

As far as I know thereā€™s no way to know a personā€™s gender.
I suppose it kinda counts as private information?

What you could do however is just provide players with a male/female/non-binary option in game and just give them a body type based on that.
This also gives people more freedom of expression and choice since not everyone actually wants to look like their assigned gender.

But you donā€™t have to take that advise from me, Iā€™m just a random person on the internet.

Edit response: I have no idea what I am on about, I was trying to be thoughtful and it did not turn out the way I had in mind.

bro what are you on about? :sob:

dude there is 4b women and 4b men on earth even if you get the personā€™s gender you wont find his house

Iā€™ve found a sort-of solution that actually answers the question without relying on user input.

When a user creates an account, depending on what gender option they select at the sign up page, theyā€™ll automatically have one of either one of two packages given and equipped: Man or Woman. Basically, just use MarketPlaceService:PlayerOwnsAsset() to check whether or not they have the Man or Woman torso in their inventory. If they have both or neither, then Iā€™d just give them the Man torso by default.

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script will bug if someone went and bought the opposite genderā€™s stuff

A simple search before posting here would have shown you it is against Roblox rules.
Of course this is against the rules ā€¦

I bought almost every free item on roblox when they started making older ones limited and I know im not the only one

Not really. Thatā€™s why I added this little sneaky bit:

@mhmdsndb3 @c1rcuitbent

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what if you just gave them a gender neutral package

Not sure why youā€™re asking me, I didnā€™t make the thread. Iā€™m sure OP has his reasons for specifically asking for what he did.

Why are you asking me? I didnā€™t write roblox TOS lol

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was going to be cool if i can stop freaks from spamming w s in my game
male touch female 3 times a second = ok kick that guy

That seems like a very silly approach to a very silly problem.

Anyway, @xxoof_oofoofxxALT are there any answers to this topic that would work for you? Really not sure why this thread got necro bumped back into existence anyway.