How to find the RAP of catalog items?

How do I find the recent average price of limited items on the catalog using scripts?

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This isn’t a topic for scripting support and quite frankly a hard topic to discuss on the forums due to the fact it’s a trading aspect not a script, building, or other Development aspect.

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What I meant was by using https service

You can use a roblox proxy (google “roblox proxy”) and swap out in the limited items url, for example “The Classic ROBLOX Fedora - Roblox” with the url for the proxy. You can then scrape the html source of the page for the element with id “item-average-price”. You could, alternatively, setup a vps which does this without having to scrape the page in lua, wouldn’t have to use a proxy as it isn’t on the roblox servers, and create a nice json endpoint to use.

This module could be useful:

local capture = string.match(dom_module:getElementById(documentSource,"item-average-price"),"%b><")
local rapStr = string.gsub(string.sub(capture,2,string.len(capture)-1),",","")
local rap = tonumber(rapStr)
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Could you please like explain precisely how to do this?