How to find twist limits of a ball socket constraint via CFrames

So given two attachments, how do I find the angle of twist between them similar to a ball socket constraint using CFrames:

Screenshot 2021-01-07 at 6.34.51 PM

I know for the UpperAngle it’s dependent on the attachments world axis between the joint and the axis attachment and hence I can enforce a CFrame based constraint like so:

UpperAngle constraint
	local centerAxis = axisAttachment.WorldAxis
	local currentCenterAxis = jointAttachment.WorldAxis 
	local angleDifference = VectorUtil.AngleBetween(currentCenterAxis,centerAxis)

	local constraintUpperAngle = math.rad(jointConstraintInfo.UpperAngle) or math.rad(45)

	--out of bounds constrain it to world axis of the socket
	if angleDifference > constraintUpperAngle then
		local axis = currentCenterAxis:Cross(centerAxis)
		local angleDifference = angleDifference-constraintUpperAngle
		local newCenterAxisWithinBounds = rotateVectorAround( currentCenterAxis, angleDifference, axis )

Now I’m completely stumped about how to find the TwistUpperAngle and TwistLowerAngle, I’ve tried using swing twist decomposition but tbh I don’t really understand if the angle I’m getting is the same and it doesn’t work for limiting the movement of the Motor6D part1 leg.

Failed attempt
	--local twistAxis = axisAttachment.WorldSecondaryAxis
	local twistAxis = jointAttachment.WorldAxis
	local axisCFrame = axisAttachment.WorldCFrame
	local jointCFrame = jointAttachment.WorldCFrame
	local jointRelativeToAxis = axisCFrame:ToObjectSpace(jointCFrame)
	local function swingTwist(cf, direction)
		local axis, theta = cf:ToAxisAngle()
		-- convert to quaternion
		local w, v = math.cos(theta/2),  math.sin(theta/2)*axis
		-- (v . d)*d, plug into CFrame quaternion constructor with w it will solve rest for us
		local proj = v:Dot(direction)*direction
		local twist =, 0, 0, proj.x, proj.y, proj.z, w)
		-- cf = swing * twist, thus...
		local swing = cf * twist:Inverse()
		return swing, twist
	local swing,twist = swingTwist(jointRelativeToAxis,twistAxis)
	local x,y,z = twist:ToEulerAnglesXYZ()
	--print(math.round(math.deg(x)),math.round(math.deg(y)),math.round(math.deg(z)))-- it's the y axis?
	local constrainedX = math.clamp(math.deg(x),-45,45)
	local newTwistCF = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(constrainedX,y,z)
	local newJointCFrameRelativeToWorld = axisCFrame*swing*newTwistCF
	--Translate jointCFrame to part1 CFrame
	local newPart1CFrame = newJointCFrameRelativeToWorld*jointAttachment.CFrame:Inverse() -- Uhh only works with attachments
	local goalCFRotation = motor6d.Part0.CFrame:Inverse()*newPart1CFrame
	goalCFRotation = goalCFRotation-goalCFRotation.Position

So anyone has any idea how the TwistLimits in the ball socket constraint work? What axis of the attachments is the limits based on?


NVM, solved in the latest GitHub version using the twist-swing deconstructor function thanks to @EgoMoose yet again, The twist limit is actually relative the Attachment0 WorldAxis as it’s swingTwist axis, and it’s CFrame. Will update the resource page soon after I write up the documentation :stuck_out_tongue:


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