I’m trying to make a nextbot game, but I’m having a ton of trouble getting the pathfinding to work smoothly. Instead of moving smoothly the nextbot jitters back and forth while moving, I know that this is from overlapping :MoveTo() functions, but I can’t find a fix anywhere.
Here’s the part of the code that is responsible for pathfinding:
local function pathFindToPos(nextbot, pos)
local path = pathfindingService:ComputeSmoothPathAsync(nextbot.PrimaryPart.Position, pos, 512)
local waypoints = path:GetWaypoints()
local hum = nextbot.Humanoid
local data = info_nextbots[nextbot]
if waypoints then
for index, point in pairs(waypoints) do
data.CurrentWayPoint = point.Position
game["Run Service"].Heartbeat:Connect(function()
for nextbot, data in pairs(info_nextbots) do
pathFindToPos(nextbot, workspace.TestPart.Position)
And even if I did fix it I don’t want it to look unnatural and robotic.
Why are you calculating a new path every frame. It makes no sense to do this so frequently and is the most likely cause of your problem. You are never going to reach the first waypoint in a single frame, never mind the rest of the waypoints generated.
That answer still makes no sense. How far (in studs) do you expect the player to move in one single frame? Secondly, you are attempting to iterate over all waypoints according your waypoints loop.
You need to consider the nextbot damage range , the nextbots speed and the player speed. A factor of these variables will then give you the frequency to repeat your ComputePath. I can guarantee that it won’t be every frame.
You could probably tune the frequency down to every 0.5 second, massively improve performance and have no discernible impact on the nextbot pathing ability.
I guess I didn’t think about that. I’ve only been scripting small things so I still have almost no idea what I’m doing tbh. And @BandQueenForever I tried the task.wait() loop but when I move the part around the nextbot goes to where the part was.
Here’s the part that I changed:
while task.wait(0.5) do
for nextbot, data in pairs(info_nextbots) do
pathFindToPos(nextbot, workspace.TestPart.Position)
And since there is the Humanoid.WalkToFinished:Wait() in the pathFindToPos() it doesn’t recalculate until the path is finished. So how do you cancel the currently running pathfinding when a new path is calculated?
I don’t think you can and I don’t think it’s needed because there’ll be a delay but if you really want to, perhaps you can try looking at coroutines. I haven’t learned much about them but maybe they’ll help you: coroutine | Roblox Creator Documentation
I messed with coroutines, and it completely broke it. Nothing after or inside the pathFindToPos() will run.
local current
local function pathFindToPos(nextbot, pos)
current = coroutine.create(function()
local path = pathfindingService:FindPathAsync(nextbot.PrimaryPart.Position, pos, 512)
local waypoints = path:GetWaypoints()
local hum = nextbot.Humanoid
local data = info_nextbots[nextbot]
if waypoints then
for index, point in pairs(waypoints) do
data.CurrentWayPoint = point.Position
game["Run Service"].Heartbeat:Connect(function()
for index, nextbot in pairs(info_nextbots) do
if nextbot.CurrentWayPoint then
nextbot.DebugPart.Position = nextbot.CurrentWayPoint
local pathPart = nextbot.DebugPart:Clone()
pathPart.Parent = workspace
pathPart.Color = Color3.fromRGB(37, 255, 21)
pathPart.Name = "PathPart"
pathPart.Size = Vector3.new(.5,.5,.5)
while task.wait(0.25) do
for nextbot, data in pairs(info_nextbots) do
pathFindToPos(nextbot, workspace.TestPart.Position)