local maxCopies = 10
local cooldown = 5
local npcModel = game.ReplicatedStorage.NpcModel
local modelQueue = {}
local function createNPC()
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:wait()
local playerPosition = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position
if playerPosition then
local radius = 50
local minDistance = 25
local randomOffset = (Vector3.new(math.random(), 0, math.random()) - Vector3.new(0.5, 0, 0.5)).unit * (radius + minDistance)
local npcPosition = playerPosition + randomOffset
local newNPC = npcModel:Clone()
newNPC.Parent = game.Workspace
table.insert(modelQueue, newNPC)
if #modelQueue > maxCopies then
local oldestNPC = table.remove(modelQueue, 1)
while true do
This script should work, i just tested but it only spawns the npc’s. you need another script in the Npc to chase the player and attack.
I’m temporarily using Drooling Zombie which has a chase script, but for some reason, it doesn’t work. You can try to check for yourself
I just had a look and it works, make sure the primary part of the model is set to HumanoidRootPart and make sure both scripts the One named “Script” and the “Animate” is set to client in properties.
I checked it out and it does work. Thank you! I think I can close the post
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