How to freeze screen

I am working on a game and wante to make a loading effect where the screen freezes for a second or two before proceeding as regular, how could I achieve that?
Also if you need an example think platformers from the year 2000

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Get all the parts the player can see, shove them into a viewport frame, display the viewport frame across the user’s entire screen and you’re good.

In fact, the ViewportFrame Handler module has done kinda this with a flashbang burn-in effect

Here’s the video they attached:


Damn that’s noisy.
Will check it out

Just be aware that guis are not impacted by viewports.

Well, It’s ok but the skyboxes don’t render.

You can use an image label with the sky box image behind the viewport.

But that wouldn’t look like the one you’re seeing in game.

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Why wouldn’t it, all sky boxes are a series of images so set the image on the ImageLabel to one of those images.

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yes but it would be at a different angle as it’s a still image

This uncopylocked game was able to do it.
Look in the portal it uses a sky box and yes the portal uses viewports.

yes but :shallow_pan_of_food: greger

? Anyway, you can look at the source code and see how they did it.

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Oop sorry, had to go do something, I’m pretty sure however that there must be a simpler way to do that. As I just want the screen to freeze.
I have an idea, I will shove the entire workspace into a viewportframe, then CFrame the camera and the player when I need it to be visible, will try that brb in 50 minutes.

If there will not be anything moving in the frozen menu then you could just take a screenshot. If not this is your only option.

Wait how do i do that?
I can read answers but not type for now brb.

What I mean is if the screen will be of something that will not change across games (example: a city scenery with no players) then we can just take a screenshot in Studio and upload it as an image.

Oh i see, no, it is a couple of points with the player in them, and I want to freeze that frame, or at least make it so it seems like that.
Player touches door, screen freezes for a second, then the screen resumes and they’ve already been teleported.

Just a question will any other players be visible in these “freeze frames”.

:shallow_pan_of_food: Characters :shallow_pan_of_food:

You could ignore viewports all together and just temporarily locally anchor all the parts and move the camera giving the illusion of a “frozen frame”.

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