How To generate islands like Booga Booga?

Hello! I was testing how to use Terrain etc… and I thought about making a survival-like game.

I was wondering how I could generate the islands from Booga Booga using Terrain.

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Is there any problem in specific?

They’re using the Terrain Editor, if you’re wondering how to make terrain in the first place.

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I was wondering if there’s anyway to generate it instead of do it manually?

To create islands like Booga Booga, I’m afraid there isn’t a way. But for general use generating, an easy solution that requires zero knowledge in the field of Smooth Terrain is to use the generate tool.

It will appear under “Create” in the Terrain editor. Simply input a size, biomes, etc. and you’re good to go!

Hope this helped.

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I’ll wait and see if there’s any replies! I’ll take in your reply as an answer though :wink:

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You can Use Perlin Noise to make te map and then turn the parts into terrain


What is Perlin Noise and how do I use it? :thinking:

You could automatically just generate the terrain but I don’t think you’ll have much luck with it. I’d really just would say that you should rather make the terrain yourself :slight_smile:

Here is a nice devforum post that explains perlin noise and how to use it.

Essentially, perlin noise is a way to generate a “random” smooth map of 2D values that you can use to generate terrain

(Sorry if I’m a bit wrong, I’ve only watched a few tutorials about it)


To put it simple, you can not generate terrain like booga booga. The developers custom make it themselves, so you would also need to custom make it.