How to get a models X,Y,Z separately

I need to get a models X,Y,Z respectively. I tried using :GetPivot() but it just gave me a long list of numbers.

local cframeValue = modelHere:GetPivot()
local x = cframeValue.Position.X
local y = cframeValue.Position.Y
local z = cframeValue.Position.Z
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does not work the values remain the same

Can you explain what you mean by that? Are the variables being set to the same number for you?


yes, the numbers remain the same

x,y,z are being printed as the same number even though i did

local train = script.Parent

while true do
	local cframeValue = train:GetPivot()
	local x = cframeValue.Position.X
	local y = cframeValue.Position.Y
	local z = cframeValue.Position.Z

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do you have any solutions to fix this problem?

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It seems if you don’t correctly change the model’s position, it might result in incorrect position values.

Sorry for the delayed reply, I was recording the video :slight_smile:

As you can see the model’s pivot can be a bit inaccurate depending on the way you change the model’s position for some reason?

EDIT: This is because the WorldPivot property will not be based on the model’s children position if you do not have a PrimaryPart.

Thanks for the effort. I guess instead of using the models position, i will use a part in the model instead

You can also just make sure to use PivotTo() as I think that will correctly change the model’s position.

is there a way to get a models x,y,z however

It seems that this is intended behavior, you can just set a PrimaryPart and the pivot will follow that, from there you can just refer to @Pokemoncraft5290’s post.

You can set the Model.PrimaryPart to any part to any part of the model, I would recommend for you to set to the part that is in the “center” of your model.


ah ok, lemme do this. Thanks for the suggestion

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