How to get a random item from an array?

For the past few hours I’ve been trying to find how get a random item from an array, as the title says. I just haven’t found a single thing that actually works.

And I’ve tried doing table[math.random(1,#table)] and that doesn’t work.

List -

local difficulties = {
	easy = {number = 3, text = "Not too bad!", tim = 20},
	medium = {number = 6, text = "Kinda hard...", tim = 45},
	hard = {number = 12, text = "Really spicy!!!!!!!", tim = 75}

That is actually a dictionary and not an array.

You can look at this post for a function that should do the job:

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Thank you!! The one you linked me didn’t help, but another comment under the post did.

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