How to get a realistic rim hang effect?

Thats not really going to work well when I add it so special posterizer animations etc can play on top of these. Plus, I need the dunks to work from essentially any distance. I’m going to try and update my dunk animation to have a rim holding keyframe at the end where the hands are more evenly spaced to see if that fixes anything.

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Oh you’re right

But hopefully, it gave out an idea

--  16:01:32.346  direction Rhand  -  Client - LocalScript:8
--  16:01:32.346  a1 Rhand  -  Client - LocalScript:9
--  16:01:32.346  a2 Rhand  -  Client - LocalScript:10
--  16:01:32.346  constraint Rhand  -  Client - LocalScript:11
--  16:01:32.347  direction Lhand  -  Client - LocalScript:18
--  16:01:32.347  a1 Lhand  -  Client - LocalScript:19
--  16:01:32.347  a2 Lhand  -  Client - LocalScript:20
--  16:01:32.348  constraint Lhand  -  Client - LocalScript:21

			local direction = "direction"
			local a1, a2 = "a1", "a2"
			local constraint = "constraint"
--/!!/  RIGHT HAND
local function rightHand()

--/!!/  LEFT HAND 
local function leftHand()
        coroutine.wrap(rightHand)() -- The () at the end is required for the coroutined function to run


Bumping this topic because I am still stuck on this. One hand just refuses to connect even though there is a ball and socket constraint. Is there a reason for this? Is it because of the humanoid’s internal forces or maybe a property in the constraints?

I just came with an idea right on the spot, just see if it works.

Have the hands placed more closely to each other to the point where they are almost touching and try using a hinge constraint and using a humanoid’s ragdoll state. This should cause the player to sorta swing around while hanging onto the basket.

Additionally you could have the rim itself swing/sway gently, perhaps using a spring constraint and pure physics? (may need a lot of fine tuning) or you could script/animate the rim bending/swaying slightly if you don’t want to spend a hour or two trying to get Roblox physics to cooperate (math.sin(x) is amazing for this!).

You could also make a animation where the character only has one hand onto the basket which I personally find looking cooler.

using a hinge constraint should prevent the player from rotating into the wrong direction and limits the swaying/hanging to only a single axis.

Edit: Also if you don’t want to constantly do a lot of math and having to figure out where the hinge constraints/attachments need to be, just have several of them at different angles and connect the player’s hand with the closest one.

You should only be needing one (1) attachment/hinge constraint that’s on the player’s dominant hand, the other attachments are pre-placed on the rim, let animations and physics do the rest of the work for you.

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Still tweaking the ball and socket constraints, if this still doesn’t work I will try hinge constraints next.

It already bends up and down using a hinge constraint. The angle is set using target angle.

The problem is I wanted this game to have multiple rim hangs, where you could do two handed, one handed, backwards two handed etc

I might try this next since I’m not sure if generating them could be an issue

Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll let you know if hinge constraints work!

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