How to get all Datastores of Experience


Try checking if it prints “Table”

Try this:


Yes it prints a table.

it now prints this for you:

   [1] = 1,
   [2] = 2,
   [3] = 3,

Also if that random thing is happening even if log mode is off, then I advise you to contact @Bug-Support

I just dont understand the documentation.

I can agree the documentation gets really confusing. Just figured out how to do it for myself, This should be what you’re looking for:

local DSServ = game:GetService("DataStoreService")

local pages = DSServ:ListDataStoresAsync() -- Get datastore pages
while wait() do
	for _, item in ipairs(pages:GetCurrentPage()) do -- List Datastores on current page
		print(item.DataStoreName) -- Print Datastore name
	if pages.IsFinished then break end -- Stop listing if this is the last page
	pages:AdvanceToNextPageAsync() -- Go to next page

How can I get only the datastores, that the player used?

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