How to get color of a gradient section?

Is there anyway to get the color of a specific section of gradient via code?

I have this gradient, I’m wanting to get a specific Color3 from a section of the gradient using code. So if I want say color at 0.26 of the ColorSequence, I can just grab it? I don’t want to have to do this manually, as ideally I needa be able to grab 100+ segments on request

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Try using this function by @ToldFable

function getColor(percentage, ColorKeyPoints)
	if (percentage < 0) or (percentage>1) then
		warn'getColor got out of bounds percentage (less than 0 or greater than 1'
	local closestToLeft = ColorKeyPoints[1]
	local closestToRight = ColorKeyPoints[#ColorKeyPoints]
	local LocalPercentage = .5
	local color = closestToLeft.Value

	for i=1,#ColorKeyPoints-1 do
		if (ColorKeyPoints[i].Time <= percentage) and (ColorKeyPoints[i+1].Time >= percentage) then
			closestToLeft = ColorKeyPoints[i]
			closestToRight = ColorKeyPoints[i+1]
			LocalPercentage = (percentage-closestToLeft.Time)/(closestToRight.Time-closestToLeft.Time)
			color = closestToLeft.Value:lerp(closestToRight.Value,LocalPercentage)
			return color
	warn('Color not found!')
	return color

“You feed it a percentage (a decimal between 0 and 1), then a list of ColorKeyPoints (UiGradient.Color.Keypoints), and it returns the expected color gradient in-between any given colors.”

Easy 1D Color Picker - Resources / Community Resources - DevForum | Roblox


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