How to get members of Team Create in a table?

How do I get all of the members of a Team Create/Collaboration in a game, and put it into a table?
I’m trying to make a “Met A Dev” badge, but I don’t want to have to manually input every tester and developer into a table.


I’d say something like this?

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local teams = game:GetService("Teams")

local playerInTeam = {}

	if player.Team == teams["InsertTeamName"] then
		table.insert(playerInTeam, player)
               -- add more code if you want to
		print("not in team")

not like that, he meant TEAM CREATE where you EDIT GAMES in ROBLOX STUDIO together with OTHER PEOPLE at the SAME TIME using DIFFERENT DEVICES

sorry about that


Ok ok, changed it, here:

local IdsOfCollaborators = {} -- paste ids of people who built with

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")

local BadgeId = 219789231 -- paste ur badge id here

function hasBadge(playerId, id)
	local success, hasBadge = pcall(function()
		return BadgeService:UserHasBadgeAsync(playerId, id)

	for i = 1, #IdsOfCollaborators do
		if player.UserId == IdsOfCollaborators[i] then
			for index, plr in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do -- change it to :GetPlayers() if it doesnt award badge
				local hasBadge = hasBadge(plr.UserId, BadgeId)
				if not hasBadge then
					BadgeService:AwardBadge(plr.UserId, BadgeId)

He just said he doesn’t want to manually input every tester and developer into a table:

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I literally don’t have any idea on how that would be possible. If you know it, go ahead. And I’m pretty sure (without a plugin, if there even is one) that might be just impossible. Only thing that might be possible, is to make a group and check what Rank they are.

I thought there would be some sort of API or Service that did this, but I guess there isn’t.

It looks like there is an API{universeId}/teamcreate/memberships for fetching the Team Create collaborators of a universe, but it needs authentication.

There is another API{userId}/canmanage/{assetId} that checks if a user can manage an asset (Roblox uses this in CoreScripts) and it doesn’t require you to be authenticated. Use game.PlaceId for the assetId parameter. You need a proxy to do it but you can make a request whenever a new player joins to determine if they’re a developer. I’ve tested it out by changing someone’s permission from Play to Edit and the canmanage API reflected that immediately.

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what do you mean by authentication?
sorry for the late reply, forgot to check devforum!

Sending a ROBLOSECURITY cookie with a request authenticates it to originate from a logged in user account. Some endpoints require this cookie so someone doesn’t see or change something without permission.

This cookie shouldn’t be shared. It can allow anybody to become you on Roblox. Since you need a proxy to launch these requests in-game, you’d be forced to share the cookie with the proxy server if you’re authenticating a request. That’s part of the reason there’s advice about self hosting proxies.

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