I was wondering if there was a way to get a similar effect to this?
If you have any ideas please tell me.
i have achieved this effect before, however it wont work for all devices. u sure u wanna know?
Please yes! lay it on me!
this is how i did it :
However, this guy explained it better:
Sadly this does not work for me but this has opened up more possibility’s for me and maybe i can find another solution! I have made some pretty strange effects.
aw, hey but that actually looks kinda cool! maybe a glitching effect maybe
It’s called cel shading. You have to type in some insane numbers into the fog color in studio like [35000,35000,35000), though this doesn’t look too good in my opinion. Textures can look very grainy if you don’t use them right also specular highlights are screwed up a little.
I tried to create some better cel shading and managed to do so. It’s a little rough around the edges but I think it looks miles better than this.
The process is a little tedious and kinda tricky though, so if you want to go though with it, I have some instructions here: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/how-would-you-approach-cel-shading-in-roblox/1790336/56