I’m trying to get users in a selected role with HttpService, but it errors with “HTTP 400 (Bad Request)” so how would I fix this or do this differently?
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local response = HttpService:JSONDecode(
Also tried searching the Developer Forum but none of the topics helped.
You need to use https://groups.roblox.com/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles
to get their ids. Then use the endpoint you used to get the users.
I don’t think you even need to use HttpService. You can check if a player is in a group or is a certain rank without any services. Example:
local rank = 0 -- The rank the player will need to get through
local groupID = 0 -- The group ID the player must be in
local character = game.Players.LocalPlayer
if (character:IsInGroup(groupID) and character:GetRankInGroup(groupID) == rank) then
print("The player is the correct rank.")
Just if you’re wondering, yes, I did test this. It works fine.
Could you show me an example I’d do that? I thought the role ids were just the group rank.
@SpeakerDev I’m not checking if a player is in a group or their roles I’m looking at users inside a group at a certain rank.
You could chain them like so:
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
function GetUsersInRank(groupId, rankNumber)
local rankIds = HttpService:JSONDecode(
if rankIds.roles == nil then
warn("Something went wrong")
for i, v in ipairs(rankIds.roles) do
if v.rank == rankNumber then
return HttpService:JSONDecode(
return nil
print(GetUsersInRank(4585564, 255))
Basically, ranks have an id behind them like an asset id. This id is not the same as the rank number. This id is a unique identifier across the platform and will only ever identify that one role.
Also is it possible to get the result by only using GetAsync once since you can only send 500 HTTP requests a minute and you might be doing other things with HttpService?
You can cache the rolesets of each group id and request it only when needed.
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