How to Implement a Damage Indication System

I’m sure there enough people who are familiar enough with programming to script a system like this themselves. However perhaps some would like to cut some work by taking this system and editing it.

I would guess there are enough of these people to warrant posting an uncopylocked version to save us the work of having to copy and paste each segment.

Is it not better to provide your readers with more options?


This was a long, descriptive post. It was well explained as well! :slightly_smiling_face:



I totally understand where you are coming from. These long tutorials are a bit overwhelming to follow. However, I want to politely disagree.

Like @RealNoobBot stated, I want my readers to learn new things from this tutorial. If I do provide an uncopylocked place to download and edit, I would have wasted time writing this tutorial with actual in-depth information. I took from my own experience and elaborated on it so that people will be able to understand.

So, for now, I will withdraw from created said uncopylocked place and posting the link to it here. I am, however, grateful that you shared your concerns.

Thank you very much for reading. :slightly_smiling_face:


I agree. If anyone could just grab the uncopylocked place and mash it onto their own place, it would just act like a free model, not a learning experience. Even experienced scripters should follow the tutorial. If they’re experienced, they can tweak things as they go along to make their own, personalized system, that works well with the game they’re making!


Some people don’t have the time nor the will to learn, it may be best for you to respect their choices.

Even if you provide the Uncopylocked place if they want to learn they would proceed to do so

Our time is very limited especially for Game Development.

I strongly advise you to put out an Uncopylocked place to provide more value to the readers, as you written this article for them is it not?

I don’t believe that code that has been written once should be written twice, it’s a waste of time and inefficient.

However the choice is yours, I’m only suggesting what I think is right and what I would do.


Nobody’s disrespecting your choice here. It’s not the duty of OP to make sure that games get published on time and yadda yadda. They contributed to the community by providing a tutorial that people can learn from. Why tell them that they are wrong because they didn’t do more? Why tell them that they are wrong because they didn’t make it easier for you to do less?

Many beginner programmers don’t know how to learn from a script just by looking at it. By offering a step-by-step tutorial, they can learn how it works and why it works, rather than just staring at a bunch of code.

You could say this for any tutorial. Using your argument, any tutorial is wasting the readers’ time as they should instead provide a place with a bunch of scripts in it and say “good luck”.

Sure, it would be cool to have an uncopylocked place or a Free Model to drop in and call it done. But that’s not the learning experience OP wanted to foster by posting this tutorial here.

I wouldn’t put the blame on OP like you’ve done here. It’s not their fault if you want to drop something into your place. That’s what Free Models are for, and this is not a Free Model.


I am very sorry you feel this way, but I still stand by what I had previously stated.

If you are not sure how the final product will turn out to be, I have provided a video link that demonstrates it in Step 4. That is a great resource to utilize, visually seeing the final product would lock in what you are expecting to be rewarded when following the tutorial. I am glad you have shared your concerns.

Thank you, again, for reading. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’d argue that the purpose of this category is for tutorials, not to post free models. OP could’ve just made a post on resources or made it a free model, instead, he chose to teach so users could learn from the methods and possibly implement this in a different way in the future.

Some people don’t have the time nor the will to learn, it may be best for you to respect their choices.

I agree with this, but if OP would’ve given an uncopylocked place, then the purpose of a tutorial is pretty useless, but hey, that’s just me! :man_shrugging:

and as @TerrodactyI said, it’s a learning experience which comes with any tutorial. I’m sure if someone didn’t understand the tutorial - or some parts of it then they would reach out to OP and ask questions


Thank you. I have tried numerous free models and tutorials on youtube and this one did the trick.
I was able to implement it into my server script that controls all guns as well as each individual sword.
I think it really helps make a player feel like they progress when they see bigger dps numbers as they play.
One thing I was having trouble with is the color of the numbers is not changing. I have it set to red now by the text itself, but when healing it will say +X but the number will not change to green.

Thank you for such a well made and articulate guide. It also helped me understand remote events better.


Thank you for taking the time to go through this tutorial. I am beyond grateful and happy for you that this tutorial helped out with your knowledge of Roblox development.


Thank you so much for this tutorial, it’s really useful.


First of all, thanks for the tutorial, but I’ve run into a little problem.
I have an issue with this bit of code here


The output says I’m subtracting a number by a table, and since maxX and maxY are numbers, I assume that gui.AbsoluteSize.X and gui.AbsoluteSize.Y references a table?


Actually the order of the error matters so its not the absolute size or the indicator size but your maxX and maxY
just do print(type(maxX),type(maxY) ) to see which ones a table then just do
for i, v in pairs(TheOneThatsATable) do
then get the info you need from there


Oh, I actually just made a silly mistake, I encased the AbsoluteSize in squiggly brackets {} instead of these (). Also, I didn’t realize you could print the type of value, thanks for teaching me something new :slight_smile:


Hi, im having some trouble with the UI part, are you able to share it as a model? (I read the earlier comments, I dont mean you sharing everything, just the Template and Shadow textlabels!)

Somehow my gunfire sound is overriding the hit sounds, the way I found out is to lower the fire sound volume, are there any ways that I can make the sounds not override each other while remaining the volume they are?


I’m sorry that your sounds are overriding and mingling with each other. I’ve run into that problem myself actually, but I’ve yet to find a solution for said issue.

The best answer that I’m currently able to provide is to experiment with your sounds’ volumes and adjust them according to your game. Maybe try lowering the gunfire sounds and slightly raising the hitmarker sounds, play test, and determine if that helps solve the issue. Keep experimenting until you’re satisfied with your sounds.

If you’d rather not deal with the hitmarker sounds, just omit them entirely! Best to not linger on the issue for too long, otherwise you’d impede progress on other aspects of your game.

Again, I sincerely apologize for not giving you the best and professional answer. I haven’t really gotten that far in terms of sound design (as you can clearly tell, I’m no sound designer either!).

Good luck with your development endeavors!

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How do I put this in my game? Can you make an uncopylocked game please

follow the tutorial and stop being lazy


need help, says its not in playergui when it is (had opened dex to check)