How To Improve This Easy Line of Code?

Hello All,
I have made this terrible table, and a simple statement to get a random value in it. It works, but seems (and looks) to be a horrid way of doing this. This is for a random chance system. How would I change this, so it does the same exact thing, but nicer? Is there a way to improve its functionality? Thank you!


local list = {"Red", "Red", "Red", "Blue", "Blue", "Green"} --the "Chance" each object has is determined by how many times it is entered. Not very efficient seeming.

local index = math.random(#list)


I have seen this post, but honestly, It just confuses me, and I have no idea how to apply it to my own system

Thanks in advance


There are some great explanations to this exact problem in another thread.
I’m guessing you want to figure out how to do like 50% chance without having to enter half of the list being a certain string.

This has all the examples and some of the authors of the replies are way better at explaining some of the code than I am, but if you need any help - feel free to reply back or private message me.


It is funny, because I searched everywhere (it felt like) for a solution, but never found that article. Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

I don’t know that I’d call this improving your perfectly fine code, but this is how I would make it more complicated:

local dictionary = {
"Red" = 3,
"Blue" = 2,
"Green" = 1
} --the "Chance" each object has is determined by weight number

local weight = 0
for key, value in pairs(dictionary) do  --find total weight of 'list'
	weight = weight + value

local index = math.random(weight)

weight = 0
for key, value in pairs(dictionary) do  --find 'winner'
	weight = weight + value
	if weight >= index then

aka, how to turn 3 lines into 20 to get the same result.

Thanks for the help! I ended up doing something like this

local R =

local weightedItems = {
	Red = 20,
	Blue = 90,
	Green = 5,
	Purple = 5

local function getRandomItem(weightedItems)
	local sum = 0
	for _,weight in pairs(weightedItems) do
		sum = sum + weight

	local rand = R:NextNumber(0, sum)
	local found
	for item, weight in pairs(weightedItems) do
		rand = rand - weight
		if rand < 0 then
			found = item
	return found
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