How to insert table in the script accurately

I’m trying to insert table into new script properly, so it looks exactly like in script.


   local tab = {
   ["a"] = "1";
   ["b"] = "2";

and I want it to look like that in a new script I’m creating (it’s a plugin, .Source works.)

	local Script ="Script", workspace)
	Script.Name = "w"
	Script.Source = "" 
           and so script's source will be
            local tab = {
                ["a"] = "1";
                ["b"] = "2";

Is there a way to do that?
I mean I tried things like JSON and TableToString

They don’t work as I want though (table to string is close)

You can use [[]] to create a long string.

Script.Source = [[
local tab = {
    ["a"] = "1";
    ["b"] = "2";

Yeah, I know that but… It’s not really what I want to achieve.

Even If I do that, I don’t know the content of the table

That is what you wanted though ?

Okay, here’s what I’m trying to achieve.

local t = {}


--something like that

I don't know what parts model has and what it inserts to table,
 so I want it to do it automatically, not manually

You can use repr for this.

-- so it becomes
Script.Source = "local tab = " .. repr(t)
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Thank you! It works exactly as I wanted :smiley: