How to instantly kill an animation without the fading issue [SOLVED]

How do I use TimePosition can you give me code example ??

    YourAnimationTrack.TimePosition = 0
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I still have the same problem animation is still playing till the end

you have a very unique problem, are you loading the animation onto the player on the client?

Well basically I’m activating the basic pose of the animation on the server but the animation is triggered once the next condition are respected :

  • Player is on a specific workout ex. Dips, pull up, deadlift
  • Basic pose have been activated on the server using AdjustSpeed(0)
  • Client player is clicking with his mouse

Basically the animation is triggered by the client but when I leave the workout but it seems like it still play the animation that has been triggered by the local player which is the client side so the problem must reside in the client side

Do you want to have my game access so we can check together what is causing the issue ?

Sure, I will play around it as much as I can myself. You can message me a place download or send it here, up to you.

When you click you tell the server to play the animation?

what’s your username in Roblox ?

When I click I tell the client to play the animation since the mouse button action occur in the client and I think it’s due to latency and difference between server execution and client execution

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Just make sure before to add me as a friend

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My username on Roblox is Nickaladormz.

Let me just make a backup of my game before

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Sure, just leme know when u’ve added me or wtv

I added you back as a friend and invited on the my game

Hey, what script am I looking at?

Server Code :

Client Code :

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I’ll take at this when I get a chance.

I’m not sure why this is happening?