How to keep a frame in a UI ImageLabel proportional

So I’m trying to have this frame keep its size and positioning I set it to. However, whenever I change the parent frame size, the child frame doesn’t match up so I’m not sure what to do. Here’s a GIF of the issue. If anyone can give me a solution, it would be greatly appreciated!

In Size properties there is the relative size and the pixel absolute size. By default they always come with pixel absolute size. In this case you want to be using relative.

The image above has a 100x100 pixel size set. Size uses a UDim2 value to set the value. And UDim2 value looks like this:
({ScalarX, PixelX}, {ScalarY, PixelY})

Basically change the size using ScalarX and ScalarY to keep it responsive.

You may know more about Sizes right here:

And this is a how to guide to responsiveness in Roblox:

Hey thanks for the reply, here’s the thing I am using the scalar size values and it still isn’t working the the way i want it to. That’s what i’m really confused about

Can you provide more info/details? Show the hierarchy in the ScreenGUI

Heres the hierachy.

The frame should be scaling according the image label if its under the hierarchy but its not.

You can use the UIAspectRatioConstraint object.

Whoops, just noticed this topic was 6 days ago. Still not deleting though, might be helpful.

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