How to keep the players corpse on death

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    Hello! I am having an issue where I would like to have the player keep their corpse upon death.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    I got nothing. And I barely know how to code as well…

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    Looked through as many forums as I could, nothing.

By the way, the player ragdolls on death, and I would like it to stay in that state.

(This is my second post so if I did anything wrong please tell me!)

You can change the RespawnTime in “Players” Service.
These might help:

you can create a rig where the player is ragdolled then use :applydescription() to make it look like the player

This was not what I was asking, sorry if I wasn’t clear enough the first time.

I need a corpse on death system, not a ragdoll on death system. I mean that as in when you die and respawn, your dead body is cloned and stays there. And I need that corpse system to work with ragdolls as well.

My bad.

like i said you could create a rig with the exact same position as the player or clone the character right before the player respawns

Thats the thing, I am posting because I don’t know how to do that. I am a beginner scripter.

how much seconds is your respawntime?

3 seconds.

3O characters needed, ughhh

at 2.9 seconds create a new model and clone the character’s body there

Thats the thing, I don’t know how to script well.

just set the player.Character to anything else (or even nil) before the character is removed and call player:LoadCharacter afterwards to respawn the player (im not sure if auto-respawn would just, well, auto-respawn it lol, don’t call it if it would)