How To Keep Track Of In-Game Sales

For a game in which items can be purchased via in-game currency such as coins and gems (not Robux), is there a good way to keep track of (and view) such sales?

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Most developers like to use GameAnalytics. There’s a tutorial on how to use it in Roblox.

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I think this wiki tutorial might help you.

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why use that when you can use Dev stat provided by Roblox?

I just want to know how different it is.

Dev stats do not look at what players spend in-game currency on

Dev stats would only show you the pie chart of what developer products are sold

Oohhh, got it. I miss read, Thank you for pointing this out.

That’s so cool btw, I ma add it to my game.

Developer stats are useful, but they cannot provide the developer with customizable stats such as how frequently a user performed a task or how often their in-game currency is being awarded. As the Overview section of the wiki tutorial put it,

The work of a game developer on Roblox does not stop after a game is published. Bugs come up that did not appear during testing, new features have to be added to maintain interest in the game. Google Analytics is a very powerful tool used to monitor traffic, events, and behavior on websites. The Google Analytics Model allows you to connect a Roblox game to a Google Analytics account. With this integration a developer can see diagnostic data such as when visitors enter their games or when lua exceptions are thrown.

This enables the developer to also track errors as displayed in this screenshot.

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This would not help you much, but for someone like me who is experienced in web development; I would create my own analytics using HttpService.

Does anyone know who wrote the Google Analytics module? Is it robust and reliable?

The model published by the Roblox account doesn’t seem to have any credited authors in the comments of either script, so I’m not sure who wrote it.