How to know someone is following me on Roblox?

How to know someone is following me on Roblox?

I wanna give a tool who is following me on Roblox. I searched for a week but I did not got any clue.


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This thread might be helpful:

I don’t believe the Roblox engine has anything for followers built in, so you’ll need to use web requests through a proxy.

Edit: Per DataSigh, the endpoint is rate limited now, so you don’t really have any options besides scraping, which is probably against the ToS (and would be difficult to get follower status with I imagine). Something you can do instead is ask players to join a group if you want to check who your fans are.

Checking if a player is in a group is quite simple: it’s just player:IsInGroup(groupID) and it returns true if they’re in the group.

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It recently got rate limited so you can’t check followers anymore :frowning:


What a lot of people do is just fake check if they’re following. Make it fail the first time they try, then succeed the second. Sounds dumb, but I’ve heard it works pretty well

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