How to list every server and add it to the frame

how do i get all the servers from my sub-place and how do i get its info too like the server id and how many players are in it


is this impossible or what because i saw a game that has this feature of listing all its servers

They most likely used HttpService.

but how???

can you give me an example of it?

Your best bet would be to use MessagingService if you don’t want to deal with HttpService and keep everything on Roblox:

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read this api but didnt know how to get the link of it

here is what i got from the api


would the site example be like this

should this be server sided ik that it wouldnt work on clients right? or called as local scripts

Yes, make it serversided and I don’t know about the API question, I never used it.

here is a current update status

my module but idk how to get its list

-- // services \\ --
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local ListServers = {}

ListServers.ListAllServers = function()
	local Url = ""
	-- idk

return ListServers

and this is what it returns

how do i loop through every server available and each one will have their own server id and stuff

only thing i need is to loop through every server available and return that info to the client