How To Load A Character a Player Has Customized into Another Place?

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I want to be able to load a custom character made by the player into multiple places AND save it when they leave so they don’t have to constantly customize their character over and over again.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    I’m not really sure how to do it. I’m not sure how exactly DataStore works, even after reading about it, and I have no clue on how to send data across places.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I’ve tried looking it up and looking through the forum but nothing was very helpful or at all related to this. All DataStore tutorials only show leaderstats saving tutorials.


-- print("I have absolutely no idea how to do this.")

IMO you will need more experince to do something like this. Im not sure I can confidently do it, however when I do use Datastore I use this module though the only thing ive done was save stats and weapon booleans.

You can maybe save Cframe locations for each clothing and add them if the boolean is true.

Data Store was hard for me to understand at first too. I can sit down and help you understand if you want just lmk through forums or my discord @isometingwrong#8650

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All right! Thanks so much! I will add you.