The game I’m making relies heavily on what number a player’s id is, but I have no way of testing account id’s older than mine without editing the script and your not allowed to change the “UserID” property of a player.
So if you know how to change the UserID property of a player or load in as a different player please provide a answer.
As far as I know, you can’t change a Player’s UserID by any means. BUT you can load in with another player’s character using CharacterAppearanceId
By inserting another player’s UserID in it, your character’s avatar changes to theirs.
plr.CharacterAppearanceId = 1320775742
The easiest and probably best way would be to edit the script, although you don’t want that.
Perhaps you can try this:
For the character only, you can do this:
If you want to change the character only, make sure to give the other guy the solution
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