Hey, I was thinking about how I could make a 3d grid, I’m pretty sure you have to make use of a sound map or something. But can somebody please give me any easy example, just a simple map that is made out of cubes the size of however many studs by however many studs, also how would you change the elevation of cubes in some areas.
It’s math.noise.
If you want a simpler example you could reduce the dimensions and start off with a 2D grid like in this Okeanisky tutorial which does it step by step.
If you want to go straight into 3D you can look at @ThanksRoBama who has done a lot of heavy lifting with example scripts you can play around. Twirling was the best thing I learnt from the post to create those cool features.
WOW, I must sound pretty stupid for saying sound map. Well hey, I have been scripting for a long time and terrain generation is one of the only things that I haven’t studied much. But thanks for the topic though.
Your CCDIKController is epic.
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