How to make a ban hammer

Yes, I don’t need to, but I want to. If you’d like to copy the code and change it to that, feel free.

Nicee. But what are we gonna do if the guy were trying to ban starts running away, am I supposed to chase after him?

Its just for fun. If you’d like to use admin to fly or just make a UI instead, go for it!

Thanks for the tutorial! This will be useful to ban exploiters if you are too lazy to type in a ban command.

And its more fun! Chase the exploiters to their ban :joy:

You should use memory store for temp bans as they automatically expire.

This ban is supposed to be perm, but feel free to change the code to whatever you want.

Maybe you could link it to groups so moderators+ could use it.

If you wanted to do something like that, add these lines to the script in the ServerScriptService:

    if player:GetRankInGroup(GROUPIDHERE) >= ModeratorRank then
        game.ServerStorage['BanHammer']:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack

Just put the hammer in ServerStorage and boom! Mods only! (The code may be a bit broken since I didn’t make it in studio or check it)

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I also changed wait() to task.wait()