How to make a block placement system like bedwars?

If you have played Bedwars, you know how smooth the block placement system is. I am trying to create a preview system similar to Bedwars, but I am having trouble getting the to create.


Here’s a post which someone has made which is quite similar to yours. I’d check it out because it has a solution:

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doesn’t seems to be work smoothly and perfectly

He means it’s a good starting point to start your work from. Then adjust for the desired effect

Do you have any suggestions for fixing this code snippet:, 4), 0, roundToStep(Mouse.Hit.Position.Z, 4)) ? Currently, the y value is set to zero, which means the object will always remain stuck to the floor. This issue prompted me to create this forum.

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Yeah, maybe try raycasting downwards on the part to find the surface position on the ground. Then set the Y to that position + half of the Y size for the part.

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Instead of using raycasting, I believe I can use Mouse.Target to obtain the part that the mouse is currently hovering over. Afterwards, I can retrieve the height of the block by accessing the Size.Y property of the target part.

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Why use for this though? If you’re trying to find the Y position for the part, you should raycast down from that part

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When the player is placing a block, the mouse pointer hovers downwards, which allows me to obtain the block directly below. Although I could use raycasting to achieve this, it would require writing more code, and I’m feeling a bit lazy :sweat_smile:

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If your mouse is hovering over a wall or anywhere not on the ground that might not work

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