How to make a "Bulked up" starter character with all of the player's accessories?

I’m currently writing a script that clones a startercharacter from ServerStorage and moves it to StarterPlayer. I’m trying to write it so that all of the player’s accessories, clothing, body colors, and faces carry over to the startercharacter.


	local character = player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	local startercharacter = game.ServerStorage.StarterCharacter:Clone()
	character:WaitForChild("Body Colors").Parent = startercharacter
	character:WaitForChild("Head").face.Parent = startercharacter.Head
	local others = character:GetChildren()
	for i = 1, #others do
		local item = others[i]
		if item:IsA("Accessory") then
			item.Parent = startercharacter
		if item:IsA("Shirt") then
			item.Parent = startercharacter
		if item:IsA("ShirtGraphic") then
			item.Parent = startercharacter
		if item:IsA("Pants") then
			item.Parent = startercharacter
	startercharacter.Parent = game.StarterPlayer

This script carries over the player’s body colors and face, and also loads the startcharacter properly, but the accessories and clothing items do not. How can I fix this?

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Just asking have you tried moving the startercharacter from lighting and also using a script like this game.Lighting.StarterCharacter.Parent = game.StarterPlayer idk if it works

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This wouldn’t change anything, although it would work.

is my model if you are want buy him i make topics

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Damn i wish roblox was less complicated in such things

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is script will load your shirt

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How would I get this to be able to work for accessories as well?

Try this:

local description = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player.UserId)
local bulkedUpChar = -- however u get the model
local humanoid = bulkedUpChar.Humanoid -- This is the custom model's humanoid


This doesn’t work, it just makes the character spawn grey.

This also did not work for me.

I even tried changing the script to this:

	local character = player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	local startercharacter = game.ServerStorage.StarterCharacter:Clone()
	character:WaitForChild("Body Colors").Parent = startercharacter
	character:WaitForChild("Head").face.Parent = startercharacter.Head
	local humanoidDescription = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player.UserId)
	local shirtId = humanoidDescription.Shirt
	local tshirtId = humanoidDescription.GraphicTShirt
	local pantsId = humanoidDescription.Pants
	local shirt ="Shirt")
	shirt.ShirtTemplate = ""..shirtId
	shirt.Parent = startercharacter
	local tshirt ="ShirtGraphic")
	tshirt.Graphic = ""..tshirtId
	tshirt.Parent = startercharacter
	local pants ="Pants")
	pants.PantsTemplate = ""..pantsId
	pants.Parent = startercharacter
	startercharacter.Parent = game.StarterPlayer

Still, the clothing items don’t show up on the startercharacter. Any other ideas?

local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)
local InsertService = game:GetService(“InsertService”)

local character = script.Parent
local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)

local humanoidDescription = Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player.UserId)
local shirtId = humanoidDescription.Shirt

local newShirt = InsertService:LoadAsset(shirtId):FindFirstChildOfClass(“Shirt”)
newShirt.Name = “Shirt”
newShirt.Parent = character

put is in world

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Yeah, tried it already, didn’t work.