How to make a carrying people script & where to place it in studio?

Hello everybody, I wanted to make this topic cause I need this script for my project, yes its already out, but I wanted to make it more fun so people can have a better experience in the game. So I have wanted to make a script where when you click on somebody you can automatically carry them, like in this game →

but what I’m doing this is not gonna be a copy of there game, but I need help in where to place stuff cause I get confused with it sometimes, so please give me the steps into making this (THERE GAME IS NOT GONNA BE COPIED) this is just for the carrying which says carry.

  1. What do I want to achieve? I want to become the best roblox developer so people can notice my games more & have fun playing it.

  2. What is the issue? The issue is that I have been finding some ways on how to do this but I have seen nothing similar to what im looking for.

  3. What solutions have I tried so far? I have tried searching up some videos on how to do this on Youtube but there was 0 results on what I was looking for still, I have also tried developer hub & I still could not find anything.

I hope this works out, have a great day Roblox Developers & thank you for reading this topic :heart_eyes:.


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