How to make a character frozen

How do I make something like this (Frozen but not anchoring and not anchoring in a different way)
and not this? (Meant by not anchoring)

I’m not trying to anchor it in a different way (eg. not anchoring humanoidrootpart or setting walkspeed and jumppower to 0)

my goal is to get the frozen effect of not being able to move your character and giving the effect of frozen but not anchored in place

So Ancord to the floor or how do u mean it

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not anchored to the floor (that would be welding)

i want it to be like movable

example like being in ice but not in a falling action and instead frozen like that (anchoring makes ice not move)

If u trying to froze the player maybe use if get toched from the creator or so called „Tagger“
And if the player get toched make the walk and speed to 0

After they get free put it back to the normal walk speed and jump

i meant not setting walkspeed and jumppower to 0

Kinda confused.
You want to freeze the character to be frozen in place but you don’t want to anchor it?

Like a Zero Gravity thing?

i didnt say to be frozen in place i already show the image its like when you automatically unsit you fling and you cant move until after 2 seconds (theoretically called fling) its also like in slap battles when you get frozen by ice

I’m guessing you are trying to disable player movement try this out

So your gonna pause the animations. Then weld the player to the ice and thats basically it.

Make the HumanoidRootPart massless. This will make your model unable to move.

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Before I discovered dev forum, I thinked about an easy way yo do this and I figured out it.

You just have to set the Humanoid.WalkSpeed to 0 and done

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I am quite unsure how you want to achieve this properly as you can make a character frozen by simply enabling Humanoid.PlatformStand alongside setting up the values of Humanoid.WalkSpeed + Humanoid.JumpPower to 0… Although, if you want to disable every moment of a player, I recommend checking out what @rambunctionzoro2 mentioned.

While not having the capacity to make any movements whatsoever, you can create a ParticleEmitter (as a new instance), parenting to the character’s body (either Upper or LowerTorso), changing its properties from ColorSequence, and last but not least, insert a giant rectangle with the material Ice!

im going to check this out, then if one of you have a solution that works then ill mark it as solution

the platformstand method has worked, but ill mark the oldest post as solution to keep it simple