How to make a database system (roblox)

how do I make this I barley see anything about this anywhere and also what is it because mostly I don’t understand the video

That’s a trello… You could use a trello api if you want.

but what is that and what am i making?

Uh… You wanted to know how to make a “database” system like that. It uses and a roblox trello api

I dunno. You never told us.

That’s something you need to answer, a Database system could mean anything you want.

You’ll need to utilize HttpService to send requests to remote servers, or you could use Roblox’s DataStoreService if you don’t need to save between multiple universes.

On another note, Trello should not be used for database systems as it just isn’t built for that.

what kinda database did he make though?

It wasn’t a database to my knowledge, it just logged players user ids when the joined. Maybe use roblox datastores.

Use datastoreservice, there is really no reason you need a custom database