Yes, I will next time.
How do you edit this?
You click the pencil icon on your post.
Like the code that I posted for my topic.
You put ```lua over the first line of code, then put the three ` under the last line of code.
Ok, But I want to edit the topic code that I putted, so I can update it.
I already told you, you just click the pencil icon on your topic.
Also, who ever is seeing this this is my discord now:
So you can contact me when needed!
is how you do it in Node.js.
I can’t contact you, it says you aren’t accepting friend requests and that you have to add me to become friends. My discord is nano#6666 and you might wanna fix this for the future.
That is my discord.
Thanks for the tutorial! Even if people may not like this one for whatever reason, never stop contributing! All the code you release is helpful, even if it may not be perfect. Thanks for this!
It would be helpful for you to include how to get the cookie of the account.
Yes, but you will need the cookie, and your bot needs perms to Kick users from the group!
Oh, ok here is a way to do so.
First, you will need to go to the members tab and click on the 3 dots then it will say
“Exile User”
If your the owner of the group, yes you can if anything goes wrong.
Well, I had some extra code so that might help.
Here are some extra code that I did not add.
Anti DM So people cant exploit the bot.
client.on('message', msg => { if( == "dm"){"Sorry, I don't function in DMS!") } })
that will cause the bot to start spamming dm.
client.on('message', async message => {
if( == "dm"){
if(! return"Sorry, I don't function in DMS!");
Updated Code
Well, it works now!
const discord = require('discord.js'); const noblox = require('noblox.js'); const client = new discord.Client() var token = "" client.login(token); //Vars var cookie = "" var prefix = "!!" var groupId = 0 var minrank = 0 function login() { return noblox.cookieLogin(cookie); } login() .then(function() { console.log('Logged in.'); }) .catch(function(error) { console.log(`Login error: ${error}`); }); function isCommand(command, message){ var command = command.toLowerCase(); var content = message.content.toLowerCase(); return content.startsWith(prefix + command); } client.on('message', (message) => { if ( return; var args = message.content.split(/[ ]+/) if(isCommand('extile', message)){ var username = args[1] if(username){`Serching for ${username}`) noblox.getIdFromUsername(username) .then(function(id){ noblox.getRankInGroup(groupId, id)`Userid: ${id}, Is kickable`) noblox.exile(groupId, id) .then(function(){`Kicked ${id}!`) }).catch(function(err){"Critcal Error Logged to the console\n" + err) console.log(err) }); }).catch(function(err){"Fail To Kick!" + err) }).catch(function(err){"Player is not in the group!") }).catch(function(err){"That player is not in the group!") }); } else {"That username does not on roblox!") } return; } })
const discord = require('discord.js')
Use that, it works.