How to make a friend icon appear next to username in custom player list

This is my code but it still doesnt work I just have the friend icon for me and the friend:

	local friend_icon = script:WaitForChild("FriendIcon")

	local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
	for _, i in pairs(players:GetPlayers()) do
		if i.UserId == plr.UserId or not i:IsFriendsWith(plr.UserId) then
		local clone = friend_icon:Clone(); clone.Parent = listed
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Could you debug it?

local friend_icon = script:WaitForChild("FriendIcon")

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
for _, i in pairs(players:GetPlayers()) do
	if i.UserId == plr.UserId or not i:IsFriendsWith(plr.UserId) then
        if i.UserId == plr.UserId then print("UserId matches") else print("user isn't friends") end
    else print("cloning")
    print(i.UserId, plr.UserId)
	local clone = friend_icon:Clone(); clone.Parent = listed

Tell me, or screenshot, what prints out in the output.


alright ill see when I can test it bc I need to use a siblings computer to test because I only have one laptop so ill see when I can test it with a friend and ill reply with a screenshot

If you’re using a mobile device right now, you can ask your friend to take a screenshot of the console - or type in /console in the chat, then take a screenshot of that.

im on a computer rn its just that its hard to find another computer to use for studio to test it bc I dont have any friends that have roblox but ill figure it out and ill get back to you when I can