How to make a game feel like its speedy?

The title says it all, what would be the best way of giving players a sense of speed in a game? I know increasing fov does help significantly however, at times, increasing it too much can make it feel odd with just an increase?

Any other ideas on what the best way to give players a sense of speed in small areas?

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You can possibly make it so when they touch a part it increases there wallspeed.

Or you can change the walkspeed in game settings.

You can add those dashing lines on their screen.

These things:


Here are a few things you can do.

Run animations locally, and make feedback instantaneous. If I press the button, the thing happens. Not after 1/10 of a second. Not after breakfast. Now.

Section off rooms with visual obstructions. Namely walls and doors. The farther I can see away, the less I’m thinking about my immediate vicinity.

Use dramatic over-the-top animations. Subtle animations are boring and make it feel like nothing is happening.

Let the player have bursts of speed instead of a flat speed, if that isn’t already the case. You might want people to go fast, but some players won’t like that, so you should let them go at their own pace. The speed is more meaningful, more enjoyable if it’s under the player’s control.


A feeling of “speed” seems vague, but I’m gonna assume it means you want the player to feel rushed.

You could add a deadly wall moving towards them, and the player must get through the area before they touch the wall and die, or put a timer that counts down, and when it hits 0, and the player is still in the area, they die. This will fill the player with focus, and make them stress a little, because they need to rush to the end. If you’re gonna do this, make sure to give them a little breather after the rush section so the player can stop for a bit and feel relief.

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@yeeterboii14 I meant as in giving a feeling of speed, not scripting it/making it, as the areas can be quite constricted at times.

@ScytheSlayin Sounds like a good idea though would you recommend using beams or trails for the speed lines? Or just using long stretched out sphere parts. Using a spritesheet of speed lines didn’t work before :sweat_smile:.

@ernakou Wouldn’t sectioning off make it feel more “tight”? or as restricing view. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to give the player a view of whats coming up next? :thinking: . Also, I have boost pads in my game to give them bursts of speed at times. Should I give them a “slow down” feature as well or?

@GalaxyGourmet I was thinking of adding sections where an enemy follows you (similar to celeste’s game part where the evil you follows your every movement) however, wouldn’t it be bad for players who want a chill yet fast time? Or should I make it optional? And also for the “breather” part, is it possible to give them a button to go to a lobby and pause it out then decide to go back or would that feel odd? I was moreso thinking of the feeling of speed but that did also help me somewhat ^

There’s a balance to how much space should be visible. Too much and the speed the player moves at feels like a snail’s pace compared to what’s on the horizon. Too little and not enough information will be communicated, leading to a stilted experience.

As far as player control over their pace goes, that’s something you’ll have to test. A lot of people on the Roblox platform do not have full proficiency in hand eye coordination. If someone like that enters your game, will they be able to enjoy it even if they take the slow and steady approach? Just something to consider.

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I’m assuming that you’re talking about something like the shadow clones from Super Mario Galaxy or something, where they trail you and copy your every move. If this is what you’re talking about, then this would be an excellent way of making the player sweat, knowing they can’t stop, or they’ll die.

You can’t have the player feel chillaxed while rushing them, because they cannot stop moving. This is what the “breather” is for however, just give the player a chance to stop and sink in what they made it through.

As long as the player can just stop for a minute or two, it should be completely fine. The reason you should add a breather is because you don’t want to have the player stress for too long, they’ll never feel relief.

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Oh ok sorry I didn’t understand.

Adding a time limit really makes me feel that games are speedy. However, I only feel like that when the timer is around 30 secs.

Another way will be to add suspenseful music. One tip would be to make it such that it’s heard by the players, but not such that they will notice it and will fit nicely into the game. It’s something like movies I have watched. I won’t notice that the music is in the background until I stop listening to the movie and instead listen to the background. That always gives me a sense of suspense and makes me feel tensed and a sort of adrenaline rush happens.

How is something like this done? Using particles?

You could add a light camera shake with the increasing FOV.

I suggest using CameraShaker, smoothest camera shake module I know. It’s directly ported from a Unity3D asset.