How to make a Grid-Placement System?

Thank you very much, i will watch the video, and will read the Placement Service Post u made, thanks for your help!

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thank you very much, i cant really do anything with it cuz im not very good in programming yet, but still thanks for your help and it helps me a bit to understand lua code more, thank you very much

(also im sorry for the multiple replies in a row)


I’m trying to make it as simple and seamless possible to set it up with no extra steps

More Features I’ve Created/ WIP :warning:

Datastore Integration

It will support plot saving for players right out of the box, and load them when you set a players plot, still working on like the actual saving buildins but the backbone of it is integrated into the placement system!

self:SetOwner(player : Player)

Basically this a function you’ll be able to call onto a new Placement class object, that will set the owner based on who the player has passed, and it’ll automatically check if the player has already claimed already aswell

Rotation and Dimension Flipping

When you rotate an object on the grid it won’t only rotate the currently piece your building with 90 degrees, but it will also flip the size dimensions relative to the grid; so you get some accurate nice rotation!

I’m starting to actually work on the client sided functions for building right now so things like, EnteringBuildMode, ExitingBuildMode, Rotating, ChangingBuildingPiece

Just some basic functions youll be able to pull from the module and use anywhere you would like to, were making great progress so far!

edit: Preview of the class rn Snappit - The pioneer for grid based plot placement systems (preview)

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Sounds very nice, can you maybe explain “Self:SetOwner(player : player)” a bit more? is it a command or a function in a script? just want to know
its nice to see that i gave you an idea, and i hope you are having fun to create it :slight_smile:


thank you very much for the help, however i have already seen the video before but got confused quickly, its a good tutorial but didnt really helped me much, still thanks for your help!

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