How to make a hybrid string

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make a hybrid string

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I do not know how to do it

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local str1 = "IEQHG"
local str2 = "ABC"

local str3 = str1:hybrid(str2) -- this not work

print(str3) -- not real result: IEABC

what exactly is a hybrid string???

is to merge two strings but without concate

Do you mean something like this?

function hybrid(string1,string2)
	if string1 and string2 then
		local SplitCharacters = {}
		string2 = string2 .. " "
		for i = 1,#string1 do
			table.insert(SplitCharacters,#SplitCharacters+1,string.sub(string1,i,i)) -- Insert every single character of the string into a table

		local StartReplacing = #string1-#string2
		StartReplacing += 1
		for i, SCh in pairs(SplitCharacters) do
			if i > StartReplacing then
				SplitCharacters[i] = string.sub(string2,i-StartReplacing,i-StartReplacing) -- Replace the characters

		local FinalString = ""

		for _, Ch in pairs(SplitCharacters) do
			FinalString = FinalString .. Ch

		return FinalString

print(hybrid("Good morning!","afternoon"))

I may be wrong, just tell me if this is what you want :slight_smile:


This should return Gooafternoon

I’m going to test it to see if it works

it doesn’t work at total but I’m satisfied

What do you want to work as well? Tell me, maybe I can add it.

I found a faster and more efficient way

function hybrid(string1,string2)
assert(typeof(string1) == "string","string expected, got " .. typeof(string1))
assert(typeof(string2) == "string","string expected, got " .. typeof(string2))
return string.sub(string1,1,#string2/2) .. string2

I found a faster and more efficient way

function hybrid(string1,string2)
assert(typeof(string1) == "string","string expected, got " .. typeof(string1))
assert(typeof(string2) == "string","string expected, got " .. typeof(string2))
return string.sub(string1,1,#string2/2) .. string2

Yeah, that can be used too, but I think my solution is more understandable. It depends.

I think my solution is better.

my solution uses 3 lines of code you use too many

my IQ = 9999999999999999999999999

Shorter? Sure. Better? Well. This post Be careful when using assert() and Why explains that it is better not to use assert() because of bad script performance. Mine script may be 50 lines longer but 50x less script memory consuming.

well at least it doesn’t use 50 asserts

function hybrid(string1, string2)
    if typeof(string1) ~= "string" or typeof(string2) ~= "string" then
        return warn("string expected")
    return string.sub(string1, 1, #string2 / 2)..string2
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my idea

   function hybrid(string1, string2)
        if typeof(string1) ~= "string" then
            error("string expected, got " .. typeof(string1))
    elseif typeof(string2) ~= "string" then
           error("string expected, got " .. typeof(string2))
        return string.sub(string1, 1, #string2 / 2)..string2