Hey guys,
I am wondering how to make a system where a model, like a bus or a car goes along a predetermined path. I have a slight idea of how to do this with LinearVelocity and orientation fixing. I just need assistance with the math and a quick bug fixing.
Below, I’ve attached a video of what happened when I ran the script.
I want the bus to go along the green path without any troubles.
wait(1) -- Removes attachment to modify the bus position and orientation
script.Parent.Sensors.SpawnPos.LinearVelocity.Attachment0 =
wait(1) -- Positioning the vehicle to the spawner
script.Parent.Sensors.SpawnPos.LinearVelocity.MaxForce = 10000000272564224
script.Parent.Sensors.SpawnPos.LinearVelocity.VectorVelocity = Vector3.new(30,0,0)
-- When it touches a path part it initializes what happens.
if h.Parent.Name == "Path" then
script.Parent.Sensors.SpawnPos.LinearVelocity.Attachment0 = nil
script.Parent.PrimaryPart.Orientation = h.Orientation
local direction = (script.Parent.Sensors.SpawnPos.Position - h.Position).unit
direction = Vector3.new(-direction.x, 0, -direction.z)
script.Parent.Sensors.SpawnPos.LinearVelocity.VectorVelocity = direction * 30
script.Parent.Sensors.SpawnPos.LinearVelocity.Attachment0 =
I was scrolling on the devforum to see any other solutions but I could not find any. I appreciate if you could assist me.
Thank you