You’re just teaching people how to be unoriginal, and even worse, you’re giving it to them open sourced. I’m sorry, but people should be original. You don’t know how many “how to make game like pls donate ?!?!?!” posts I’ve seen.
Hey @asongofspace, i think this post is a good initiative to teach others how to use httpservice and other roblox functions. But, I think you should make an informative section about the reason of using a proxy and not roblox domain, the positive and negative points as well as sharing a solution that can help to create its own proxy for more “security”. The only other negative point I see in this project, is that there will be some people using this post to make simple copies to try to make robux without doing anything. But this argument can be countered by the fact that it will help others to learn and understand the functions of roblox. Anyways, have a good day.
LOL, will pass it through to twin.
We were thinking of using ProfileService before this.
Yes, the RoProxy is not really the best most secretive place and very unreliable. It was just hard to depict wither to stay with a free site and use it for the tutorial than going the hard paid way. This was all just for fun, and a little informational. In the future tutorials yes, I plan on teaching them about how these websites are not to be used frequently as of right now its already being overloaded and crashing. Another infomational source about this.
It’s a basic tutorial, you could use anything. Datastore, Profile Service, etc.
I’ve removed the open source link so people can figure the rest out themselves. Once again, my sincere apologies.
I’ll have them watch the video instead lol.
market service is just something here to donate
you should let other devs create their own system
it’s not an original game since I’ve made this before lol
(sorry if off topic)
no thanks, pls donate games are not games, they are just pathetic. don’t encourage people to make anymore of these games
thats bc alvinblox taught people how to make a game, not a greedy effortless cash grab.
and wheres the cash we’re getting here? nowhere.
im not saying this tutorial is a cash grab, im saying the tutorial is essentially how to make an effortless cash grab.
People can have their own opinion and just because you don’t consider these ‘games’ shouldn’t stop the OP from making a tutorial on it. Also, I should note that Roblox calls games ‘experiences’ for a reason, they don’t need to be games.
I just want to state, that unless you somehow make an amazing map to accompany your game, there is little chance of making much Robux on the game (as players likely know pls donate is a more populated experience which will likely get them more Robux)
most of the plz donate games are artifically boosted via means of bots, there is no effort with making plz donate games.
The kit looks very nice except for 95% of the time the shirts/pants/tshirts won’t go up onto the stand, It works sometimes but most of the time it never works.
yeah, we’ve seen that issue occuring for the past 24 hours now. sadly that’s something we do not have control over, it’s in the hands of roproxy.
I know very little to nothing about scripting, is there something different I can use than RoProxy that will work 100% of the time as the other popular donation games? If so what is it and how do I set it up?